After our first Trainingcourse in Belgium, organized by Idrop. Several follow-up events and presentations were organised in Netherlands, Poland and Romania. The follow-up activities in the Netherlands consisted of exploring new 21st century IT skills; animation and hologram making. As well as giving a presentation to the entire Avedan youthwork team about implementing Human Centred Design in youthwork. The animation and hologram making workshops were a succes. Youths loved it and it is a first step into organising more IT technical activities into the Avedan and Studio15 program, to implement more 21st century skills and broaden our program. During the presentation to the youthwork team about human centred design a lot of new ideas emerged about how to use it. For example using it in a project with youths who feel isolated. Organising a hackaton with the Human Centred Design method, to have them design a possible solution to this.